In this audio documentary special, Aaron dives deep into the history of Nickelback, the most commercially successful and critically despised Canadian band of their generation. In the aughts when Nickelback dominated the air waves and sold out stadiums, bashing them publicly became a competitive sport for tastemakers and social media users. What spurred this unprecedented love/ hate relationship with Nickelback, and how did this band from Hanna, Alberta, find themselves at the centre of a cultural, class and political conflict? Join Naomi and Aaron for this live recording of the Sweater Weather podcast as they discuss the enduring appeal of the classic novel Anne of Green Gables. They'll be joined by writer and documentary filmmaker Cheryl Foggo. This event takes place Sunday, Feb. 12 at 2 pm, in the downstairs meeting room of the Memorial Park Library in Calgary. |
Sweater Weather is a podcast about Canadian arts & culture, aka "Canadian Content," co-hosted by Aaron Giovannone & Naomi K. Lewis. Become a Patron
August 2024